Saturday 11 August 2012

Big & Small Gatherings ... Memorable All

See more BC scenes at Penelope Puddlisms: BC Life Is A Whale Of A Ride.


  1. Hi,penelope! Thank you for the comment on my latest post. I wish your protests win against the entry of potentially dangerous substances before it becomes too late to be safe in future.

    What are the round things hanging from the tree or tent? I wonder whether they are paper lantern or they make sound like wind chimes? I have an anticipation that something exciting is happening toward the evening. What a nice location!

  2. You have expressed so many emotions that accompany family and friend get-togethers without even a single human being in your photographs. I think that takes a special "eye" and talent, Penelope.

  3. Hi stardust, Thank you so much for stopping by … I didn’t realize I left the comment option on, as I don’t usually when I post only pictures with no commentary of my own. I appreciate that you have given me an opportunity to explain why the photos I took at Crescent Beach on two different days captured my imagination. The top ones are in anticipation of a wedding that was about to happen … the decorations are made of paper and they looked so pretty swaying in the breeze with only the chimes of seagulls calling in the distance. The last picture is of a picnic table in the same area that seemed equally anticipatory but on a smaller scale for a more spontaneous gathering. Both scenes wait for a joyful coming together of people.


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