Friday, 30 May 2014

Goddess Iris Gets Floppy In The Rain

PETALS on rain-drenched irises droop like the long ears of a lop-eared rabbit. Although the flower comes in a rainbow of colors and (in ancient Grecian times) was known as goddess of the rainbow, I see the bloom mostly in shades of purple and yellow in my southwest corner of BC.

Find more tantalizing blooms from around the world at Today's Flower.

Copyright by Penelope Puddlisms

See more BC scenes at Penelope Puddlisms: BC Life Is A Whale Of A Ride.


  1. I absolutely love Irises and you captured them quite nicely with the wetness from the rain.

  2. Gorgeous! I love irises. The raindrops are very pretty as well.

  3. Gorgeous rain drenched iris. Looks like you've had some puddle weather.

  4. What a beautiful iris!!! Ours are just starting to bloom now...
    I love the raindrops!!

  5. Have you checked out the iris collection at the White Rock city hall..amazing. Now that is something that I miss every year. Go down onto the lawn, it's behind the hedge can see it from the Church's parking lot.


  6. Oh, Maria, I'm so happy to see comments enabled. Your photos are absolutely wonderful! This one, with the raindrops almost like little individuals wanting to squeeze onto such a beautiful purple space, resonates somewhere deep in my heart. The droopy rabbit ears image is good too :)


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