Sunday, 16 November 2014

Bulrush Shadows Hidden In The Shrubbery

DO YOU SEE the inky black shadow on the furry brown coat of a bulrush (left) from another bulrush standing next to it? There are trillions of shadows bobbing and weaving in pockets of underbrush when touched by the noonday sun that go largely unnoticed in the shrubbery.

To heighten shadow awareness, I am linking to Shadow Shot Sunday.

See more BC scenes at Penelope Puddlisms: BC Life Is A Whale Of A Ride.


  1. very nice shadow shot, have a good Sunday

    much love...

  2. I love to see the bulrushes swaying with the other foliage around them. They have always fascinated me. Have a wonderful week!

  3. it was a new name to me. I´m used to know them as cattail.

    The Swedish name is Kaveldun :)

  4. I grew up calling these plants "cattails." Lovely shadows.

    Shadowy Angel

  5. Shadows in shadows - I like that!

  6. i like that picture and your words I can see the bobbing and weaving :)

  7. As others have said I have only called these cat tails. Your name makes me think of long-ago (centuries) catechism classes and learning about Moses being abandoned in the bulrushes. I think it was Moses anyway). So now I know what kind of place it was. Nobody ever explained it and I remember as a little kid wondering what the word meant.


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