Wednesday, 1 March 2017


TAKING PART in the Woman's March in Vancouver, BC, on a Saturday morning in January was a highlight in my life ... the sense of solidarity was empowering. I've been wondering what to do with the sign I held at that event. The words say Equality, Diversity, Inclusion. Perhaps framing it will keep the memory alive longer. Better still, if I don't hang it on a wall, I might have a chance to use it at a future rally against sexism and intolerance. Peaceful resistance is rarely a one-time deal. Meaningful impact requires persistence.

The weather had been cold but more or less kind with a gentle drizzle at the event. Diverse climate was in the cards, however, for Vancouver and the Greater Vancouver regions that got their equal share of snow this year. It's rare for southwest BC (where there's barely any, to no, snow in winter) to be included in March's snowfall weather reports. But here’s what I woke up to (below) this March 5th. The snow surprised the birds, the buds and me. Winter persists.

The grinning teddy bear fashioned by the clumpy snow (above) made me smile but I'm glad the rain and warming weather will soon melt us back into spring.

The top picture was linked to SIGNS, SIGNS and the subsequent unexpected wintry scenes to OUR WORLD at the sidebar.

See more BC scenes at Penelope Puddlisms: BC Life Is A Whale Of A Ride.


  1. ...this is becoming "Un-American."

  2. Gorgeous wintry photography and yes the March for solidarity must have been special ~ glad to see it ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a happy week ~ ^_^

  3. Save that sign, and when you can't use it any more, pass it on to another, younger member of your family!
    Hugs from here,

  4. Save the sign and use it. I wish I'd been able to march ... I'm trying to do some of the follow ups suggested , hope we can do some good somehow. We are living in frightening times.

    My sister said Seattle had some snow last weekend.... incredible!

  5. Love that sign - and good for you for marching!

  6. Good for you! One of my sister-in-laws took part in the one in DC and I told her I was proud of her. It was all done in such a peaceful way and not political in her eyes, but the message was there for the benefit of all.

  7. It was a nice experience with nice slogans. Equal, diverse, and inclusive community will constantly evolve once it is realized. Need to rally persistently to realize it, so you can keep using the sign. Winter persists in my part of the world, too. Temperatures rise and fall like yoyo; despite very warm March 6th, it was so cold with fluffy snowflakes and barely 4 degrees at highest today.



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